Saturday, 8 October 2016

Nobel Peace Prize 2016

The Peace Prize is a testimonial to the patience required to bring about closure to complex, long running conflicts. This year's prize is well deserved. Let us attempt few questions on this topic.

Question 1

To whom and for what purpose, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded this year?

a) White Helmets of Syria, to rescue people injured or stranded in bomb attacks.
b) Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet, for their attempts to build a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011
c) Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, for bringing peace in the country after five decade long civil war.
d) P 5+1 group for landmark nuclear deal bringing a peaceful closure of Iran's purported nuclear weapon ambition.

Question 2

Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to the accord signed between the government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) on September 26, 2016?

a) The accord has provided for disbanding of FARC militants.
b) The accord has provided for the rebels to join the political process as a routine political party.
c) The accord has provided for dismantling of FARC's drug production facilities in areas in its control.
d) The accord has been ratified by majority through a referendum.

Answers with Explanation

1) c.
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has been awarded Nobel Peace Prize for his "resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year long civil war to an end".
White Helmets of Syria, a group of local volunteers in Aleppo and other parts of war-ravaged Syria help rescue people injured or stranded in bomb attacks in war zones.
Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet was awarded the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize.

2) d.
About 50.23 % of the voters who turned out voted against the peace process.

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