The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi said in a recently concluded BRICS-BIMSTEC outreach summit that " the most serious direct threat to our economic prosperity is terrorism. Tragically, its mother-ship is a country in India's neighborhood ".
The opposition and resolution against various forms of terrorism dominated the current summit in Goa, with unequivocal passage of the 'Goa Declaration' by the BRICS countries. The participating member condemned the terror activities on the Indian soil and called for early resolution to curb the scourge of global terrorism.
Let's attempt a question on 'Goa Declaration'.
Question 1
Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to BRICS led 'Goa Declaration' ?
a) The declaration called for early resolution of the civil war in Syria.
b) The declaration sought action against UN designated terrorist groups like IS and Jabhat al-Nusra.
c) The declaration called for all nations to counter radicalism and financing of terrorism.
d) India successfully drew consensus on reference to "cross border terrorism" and Pakistan based terror groups.
1) d, India failed to get a consensus on reference to "cross border terrorism" and Pakistan based terror groups in the final statement. The declaration also called for a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the UN General Assembly.