Sunday, 22 May 2016

Currently in News

1) 'Green Zone' is currently in news for anti-corruption protest by the citizens of the country. This zone is located in which of the following cities?

a) Dhaka
b) Baghdad
c) Tehran
d) Islamabad

2) Which one of the following agencies protects the president of the U.S and his family and guards the other top dignitaries in the country?

a) The Secret Service
b) White House Brigade
c) Mossad
d) The Secret Intelligence Wing

3) In context of 'Cyclone Roanu' that hit the southern coast of Bangladesh recently, which of the following statements is correct regarding naming of 'tropical cyclones' ?

a) Names are suggested by specific group of countries in alphabetic order of their names.
b) Names are suggested by the general public in the member country or by the government.
c) Either a or b
d) Neither a nor b

4) The 'China Vision 2020' aims at :

a) Achieving per capita of $12,000.
b) Infrastructure growth.
c) Development of farmers.
d) All of the above.

5) Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the 'World Conference on Tourism for Development' ?

a) The first conference was held in Shanghai in May 2016.
b) The theme of the conference was ‘Tourism for Peace and Development’
c) The event was jointly organized by the Government of China and United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) .
d) The conference was aimed at advancing the contribution of tourism to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 


1) b, Iraq
2) a
3) c, Reference : The Times of India Link
4) d
5) a, Beijing,China Reference : Click Here

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