Saturday, 16 January 2016

Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana

  1. What is District Mineral Foundation (DMF)?
    1. A fund established for social and economic upliftment of mining affected people and places
    2. An institution or bodies established for social and economic upliftment of mining affected people and places
    3. A committee setup in 2015 to recommend measures for social and economic upliftment of mining affected people and places
    4. None of these
  2. Which of these is not correct regarding DMF?
    1. The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 provides for the creation of DMF
    2. Ministry of Mines issues guidelines for using the funds accruing to DMF.
    3. The DMF is to be established by the state government.
    4. Odisha has become the first state in the country to issue rules related to DMF
    5. All are correct
  3. Which of these is not correct about PMKKKY?
    1. The scheme is binding on the state governments.
    2. Its objectives primarily rests on social and economic development of people in mining districts of the country
    3. It envisages optimum utilisation of funds of DMF
    4. The scheme earmarks 40% of expenditure of the fund for high priority areas and 60% towards other priority areas.
  4. The PMKKKY scheme came into effect from January 12, 2015, consider the following facts regarding the scheme.
      1. Mining leases executed before 12th January 2015 will have to contribute an amount equal to 30% of the royalty payable by them to the DMFs
      2. Mining leases granted after 12 January 2015 through auction will contribute an amount equal to 10% of the royalty payable by them to the DMFs
  1. i is correct
  2. ii is correct
  3. Both of them are wrong
  4. Both of them are right
  1. b
  2. e
  3. d, reverse is true
  4. d

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