Dear friends, below is the compiled set of questions asked during the IFS interview 2017. This list is based on the personal experience, as I was also one of the interviewee for the prestigious IFS job, and the interview experience of the other candidates I have got a chance to interact with. I hope these questions would help you in your preparation.
All the best !!!
Favourite Questions of the Boards
1) Why have you choosen the Indian Forest Service as your career option?
Keywords : Diverse responsibilities, social prestige, social acceptance, best what government of India has to offer.
2) If you get selected for IAS and IFS both, which service would you prefer and why?
3) Why do you want to leave your current job for the 'Indian Forest Service' profile?
4) What made you shift from private sector to the government sector job?
5) What makes you a good candidate for the Indian Forest Service?
6) How the experience of your previous or the current job is relevant for the job of IFS officer?
7) Tell us something about yourself? OR what do you think what kind of person you are?
8) What is the first thing you will do after you become an IFS officer?
Questions checking your administrative abilities or administrative acumen
1) Which is better : a quick decision or a planned decision?
2) Is administrator different from manager? What are the challenges involved in the public administration?
3) Is India overgoverned?
General Questions
1) What is the difference between Marketing and Sales? How marketing plays a significant role in forest management?
2) What is ecotourism? What measures need to be taken to strike a balance between huge influx of tourists in the religious places and adverse environmental consequences resulting from it?
Subject Specific Questions
1) What measures will you take to increase the forest cover in your state?
2) What are the five major problems related to forests in India?
3) Where is hope island? What is its environmental significance?
4) Define carrying capacity in terms of protected areas?
5) What is biodiversity index?
6) State the difference between Tigers and Lions? State the difference between Turtles and Tortoises?
7) What are the internal factors responsible for forest degradation?
8) Who is authorized to the issue shoot at sight order in a tiger reserve or a national park?
Questions Demanding Out-of-Box Thinking
1) Why have humans evolved from monkeys?
Questions were also asked from the following areas:
1) Environmental legislations like WPA,1971; EPA, 1986 ; Forest Rights Act,1927
2) Hunting of vermins
3) Effects of climate change on forests.
4) Recently visited National Parks or Wildlife sanctuaries.
5) Greenhouse effect.
6) Monkey menace in Himachal Pradesh.
7) Wildlife-animal conflict - ways to minimise it.
8) Project Tiger, Project Elephant
9) Genetically modified foods.
Kindly share the post with your friends and help me in building the repository of such questions for the benefit of all.