Monday, 4 April 2016

Nuclear Diplomacy : NSS , MTCR

Part-1 : 4th Nuclear Security Summit

1) The 4th Summit of NSS was held at :

a) The Hague
b) Washington D.C.
c) Doha
d) Seol

2) Which of the following countries was/were not invited in the Summit?

a) Iran
b) Russia
c) North Korea
d) Both a and c

3) Which of the following statements is correct in context of NSS?

a) Decisions are based on consensus.
b) Flexible mechanisms like 'house-gifts' and 'gifts-baskets' are provided under NSS process.
c) It covers nuclear material for military purpose only.
d) None of the above statement is correct.

4) How much amount has been contributed by India towards the Nuclear Security Fund ?

a) $1 million
b) $2 million
c) $1 billion
d) $5 million

5) The first summit of NSS was held at :

a) The Hague
b) Washington D.C.
c) Doha
d) Seol

6) Which of the following countries are the non-signatories to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ?

i) India
ii) Pakistan
iii) North Korea
iv) South Sudan
v) Israel

a) i, ii, iii, iv and v
b) i, ii, iii and v only
c) ii, iii, iv and v
d) i, ii, iii and iv only

7) Which of the following statements is incorrect in context of 'New Coalition Agenda (NAC) '?

a) It is focused on building international consensus to make progress on nuclear disarmament.
b) India is not the member of this group.
c) The first Ministerial Meeting was held in Dublin, Ireland.
d) None of the above

8) Which of the following statements is correct regarding New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)?

a) It is a nuclear arms reduction treaty between USA and Russian Federation.
b) It was signed in 2010 in Prague.
c) The treaty has replaced the 1991 START I treaty and superseded the 2002 Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT)
d) All of the above.


1) b
2) d
3) b
4) b
5) b
6) a , North Korea initially signed but later withdrew from the NPT. NPT was a response to India's Pokhran-II nuclear test.
7) d, The members of NAC are : Brazil, Egypt, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, and South Africa. Reference  : NAC
8) d , Reference : Click Here

Reference : Indian Express Link


Part - 2 : Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) and Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG)

1) Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to Missile Technology Control Regime?

a) It is a group of 34 states.
b) It aims to limit the spread of ballistic missiles and UAVs that could be used for chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks.
c) India and China are the members of this group.
d) It limits any aerial technology that is capable of carrying a 500 kg payload for at least 300 km.

2) Which of the following is/are matched correctly?

i) Wassenaar Arrangement : For control of conventional weapons .
ii) Australian Group : For control of chemicals that could contribute to chemical and biological weapons.
iii) Missile Technology Control Regime : Restricts the weight and range of missiles.

a) iii only
b) i, ii and iii only
c) i and iii only
d) i and ii only

3) Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG)?

a) It seeks to contribute to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons .
b) The 48 member group works on the basis of consensus.
c) India and China are the members of this group.
d) It was founded in response to the Indian Nuclear Test in May 1974 .


1) c , India is yet to become it's member.
2) b
3) c, India is not the member of this group.

Reference : NSG , Important Article on NSG by India TV News

Note: Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) is a group of nuclear supplier countries that seek to prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials, equipment and technology that can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons. It first met in November 1975 in London and is therefore popularly referred to as the “London Club”. 

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